“Fashion fades, style is eternal.” 

-Yves Saint Laurent


This quote has long been used and talked about in the fashion world, for both members of the fashion industry and fashion lovers of all kinds. The words ‘fashion’ and ‘style’ may be loosely interchanged by most people. Although, these two words have quite a stark contrast.


The quote discusses how fashion, which follows trends and fads, moves around quickly and fades after a while. It comes and goes, just like the seconds, minutes, and hours of a day. However, style is all about you - your personal preferences, characteristics, and how you want to be perceived. It is something uniquely you, not necessarily conforming to what is in or on-trend. Your style tells you how you want to appear, something that is signature to you.


Even though style is something that anyone can have, many people still do not know theirs or do not have one that they can really call their own. Yes, it can be difficult, especially when so many places and things you see tell you what you should wear or what people like to see. Fashion and trends can be overpowering, but a strong girl like yourself can definitely find that style you are looking for. 

Here is a great suggestion for you! It’s the Rectangle Dress. 


The rectangle dress is a good start to finding out your style and unleash your inner persona. A simple rectangular silhouette is a shape that flatters all body figures - whether you are pear-shaped, an apple, a rectangle, or any other body shape. The angles of the dress give a bit of volume, but also the right amount of shape that is perfect for anyone of any age. The straight-cut is minimalist, something that does not conform nor oppose style. A rectangle dress is the classic of all dresses, and classics are not those that rely on ever-changing trends. It is a classic because of its regularity and the basic shape it creates, which in turn can be transformed into different shapes and silhouettes when played with - much like how your style can evolve with time.


To add in a little favour, the rectangle dress comes in tiered asymmetric layered hems. It allows a little irregularity and more flow - creating ideas of exploration and dauntlessness. The mullet-style hem reminds you of the clothing of Ancient Greek goddesses, adding in a current edge of femininity. The neckline and sleeves are a little cautious and subtle, the best way to start your style exploration journey. Not to mention, the rectangle dress requires little styling and basic everyday pieces to pair with. 


To put it all simply, the rectangle dress is worth the look and try. It could just be your first step into your own personal style and a life-changer that you will forever treasure. You could maybe even pass it on to your children and their children for generations to come. Take this chance to discover not only your style but also about yourself.


No fuss and frills, just a good ‘ole rectangle dress.


For More Info:-Polygon shape Skirt


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